Serious People

Succession was a critical and popular success as a TV series. Over four seasons, it became a cultural phenomenon, particularly with a certain elitist demographic. The basis of its popularity presents intriguing questions since the Roy family, the main protagonists in the drama, have no identifiable socially redeemable qualities. They are awful people! Perhaps we will analyze this irony another time. Instead let's focus on one of the most memorable lines in the show’s history. Logan Roy, the family patriarch, when discussing future options for his business and media empire with  his wealthy and wildly dysfunctional children (Kendall, Shiv and Roman) concludes the dialogue with a resigned admonition to them;  "I LOVE YOU, BUT YOU ARE NOT SERIOUS PEOPLE.”

This line, in addition to being strikingly accurate in the context of the show’s plot line also generated an intense period of reflection by yours truly. Why did it resonate? Bingo! Today, we are overwhelmed by individuals who graphically embody the personality characteristics that meet this definition. Specifically, people of great wealth, power and celebrity who volunteer their thoughts and opinions to us on a regular basis, but on close examination are NUTS, CRANKS, CHARLATANS or GOOFBALLS. Individuals of great business or political achievement, creators of new media, artificial intelligence pioneers, cryptocurrency gurus - all who've gone off the deep end - fundamentally not serious people. We are surrounded by this type of person in the public arena - they are everywhere - it is a veritable plague.  Let's create an award "I LOVE YOU, BUT YOU ARE NOT SERIOUS PEOPLE” and honor deserving individuals on a regular basis. The only logistical challenge is the presence so many candidates elbowing their way to the front of the queue. We may run out of time and space.

I know audiences get impatient and I will announce our first winner at the conclusion of this post. Let's establish some context in advance. Robert F Kennedy Jr is the nephew of a former President, the son of a former Attorney General and presidential candidate and a scion of America's most prominent political family. He has experienced challenges in his life. His uncle was assassinated in 1963 and he was only 14 when his father met the same fate. As a youth, he was arrested on marijuana and heroin charges and kicked out of private schools. All rather understandable in view of his childhood traumas. He rebounded and eventually succeeded as an enterprising, if eccentric environmental lawyer. God bless him! Now, like so many others of great ego and ambition, he thinks he should be   President of the United States. Well, it is free country and he certainly has high name recognition.

The problem with RFK Jr as a potential leader of the free world is that he is totally off the rails. His sanity and judgment left the building long ago! Charitably he is sincere but highly confused; more likely a charlatan and a significant possibility that he's diagnosable e.g. mentally ill. He should not and cannot be President. His outrageous positions and statements should be in the Twitter Hall of Fame. He believes and consistently repeats the following:

1) Childhood vaccines cause autism
2) The COVID-19 vaccine is the most dangerous vaccine ever made
3) Anthony Fauci is a fascist who co-engineered the coronavirus with Chinese scientists
4) Anne Frank during the Holocaust had more freedom than Americans during the COVID quarantines
5) The coronavirus was bio targeted to attack caucasians and black people and that “people who are the most immune are Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese”
6) Wi-Fi causes cancer
7) The CIA killed JFK
8) AIDS may not be caused by HIV
9) The US Mexican border should be permanently sealed
10) The US government is to blame for the Russian invasion of Ukraine, stating that Russia acted in “good faith”

His worldview is inhabited by wild conspiracy theories, demonstrable false hoods and negligent and/or intentional disinformation. You now conclude that RFK Jr is the inaugural winner of our “ YOU ARE NOT SERIOUS PEOPLE” award,  Alas, no- he is an also ran!

Instead, we target his enablers- a group of billionaires, technology gurus, venture capitalists, social media pioneers, the 21st-century equivalent of Tom Wolfe’s  “Masters of the Universe.” Jack Dorsey, Co-founder and former CEO of Twitter has ENDORSED RFK Jr for President. David Saks, COO of PayPal and serial investor in internet technology start ups, and Charmath Palchapitiya, former Senior Executive at Facebook and founder of Social Capital recently hosted a fundraiser for the Kennedy campaign. 75 other movers and shakers attended and wrote checks. Mark Gorton, creator of LimeWire and Jason Calcanis, host of the business and tech “All in Podcast” have expressed  strong interest in the campaign and stress the importance of hearing RFK Jr’s  ‘contrarian' views. Elon Musk, no introduction necessary, personally hosted Kennedy on the Twitter Space interview program because RFK is "a serious candidate."

This irresponsibility is a modern manifestation of the" Emperor Has No Clothes” syndrome . These people should know better and all of us should hold them to account. Don't assume that talented people successful in a narrow and somewhat geeky silo of modern life have the tools or wisdom to bring value to any issue outside their sweet spot. They should stay in their lane. Perhaps they view their  wealth and notoriety as validation of their special gifts and believe they have an  obligation to share their interpretation of reality with the unwashed masses. They are mistaken. It is self evident that any support of RFK Jr for President is prima facie evidence of poor judgment- perhaps even a personality disorder and for that reason- we honor them with “YOU ARE NOT SERIOUS PEOPLE” award. Congratulations.

The talking head billionaires, tech and venture capital class should refrain from promoting their nonsensical and silly positions on serious question of public policy. We confront a myriad of serious challenges. War and peace in the foreign policy and national security realm; Feast or famine in the economic and financial sector; Climate change, food security, supply chain disruptions, migration flows , environmental protection, human rights abuses, terrorism, nuclear proliferation- the list is endless. Why these people believe add value on these questions escapes me. Why we actually listen to them disappoints me. They should stick to their algorithms, platforms and bots.  Take a generational time out and sit in the same dark corner with entertainers and celebrities who lecture us on climate change  while flying around the world in private jets and millionaire athletes who opine on Chinese and Middle East policy while accepting their checks. Please leave the serious stuff to serious people. Thanks for asking!


“Getting About”


Where did the name of this blog come from?