Israel, Hamas and the Mideast; Book Recommendations

90 days have passed since the horrific Hamas terrorist attack against Israel. The situation on the ground worsens daily and I have no intention of providing a comprehensive analysis today. The basics remain constant: Continued warfare in Gaza, 23,000 Palestinian casualties including an estimated 8,000 Hamas fighters, 150 hostages being held by Hamas, 200 Israeli troops killed in action, growing missile exchanges between Israel and Hezbollah, Houthi missile attacks on Red Sea shipping, tension between Israel and the United States regarding military tactics and the post war governance plan for Gaza. South Africa has accused Israel of genocide in the International Court of Justice. Saudi and Gulf States suggest the normalising the relationship with Israel remains a legitimate objective, but is now dependent on a two state solution. Everyone (with the exception of Iran) wants Hamas to fail, but their military leadership structure appears intact. Hamas and Hezbollah leaders have been killed by Israel with strikes in Lebanon. No answers today!

Instead, I reviewed my library and identified books that document the essential elements of the regions’ history and provide context to current events. As many have stated, it is COMPLICATED! The creation of the Zionist movement, the Balfour Declaration, the post World War I British Mandate and rule, growing Jewish migration in the 20s, tension growing between a Palestinian Arabs and the Jews in the 1930s, the Holocaust, Arab flirtation with the Nazis, post World War II Jewish migration to the region, the British withdrawal, the United Nations voting in support of the two state solution – (Israel and Palestine) , Arab rejectionism, the 1948 war, Israel declaring independence, the Israeli victory over the Arabs, the 1956 war, the 1967 war (won again by Israel) resulting in an occupation of the West Bank, Golan Heights and Gaza, the 1973 war, fragile peace between Israel, Egypt and Jordan, the Palestinian Liberation Organization led by Arafat, terrorism worldwide, then negotiations, the Oslo accords in the 90s, the fissure between the Palestinian Authority and Hamas, Iran's growing influence, the collapse of the Oslo agreement. Israels' occupation of the West Bank and Golan Heights is now going on 56 years, and the blockade of Gaza almost 20. Palestinian uprisings every five years or so. Aggressive Israel settlement activity in the West Bank. Growing militarization of the conflict. Growing weaponization by all parties. Many events, truly momentous history. I recommend these books. If your reading triggers an imaginative solution, please call Washington!

1. Israel: A History (by Martin Gilbert).

2. Innocents Abroad (by Martin Indyk).

3. Dreams and Shadows (by Robin Wright).

4. My Life ( by Golda Meir).

5. Power, Faith and Fantasy ( by Michael Oren).

6. The Revolt ( by Menachem Begin).

7. The Six Day War ( by Michael Oren ).

8. Prisoners ( by Jeffrey Goldberg).

9. Doomed to Succeed ( by Dennis Ross).

10. A State at Any Cost ( by Tom Negev).

11. Palestine (1936) ( by Owen Kessler).

12. Bibi: My Story ( by Benjamin Netanyahu).

13. America and Iran ( by John Ghazvinian).

14. Enemies and Neighbours ( by Ian Black).

15. The Assassination of Yitzhak Rabin and the Remaking of Israel ( by Dan Ephraim).

16. My Promised Land: The Triumph and Tragedy of Israel (by Ari Shavit).


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